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Monday, March 7, 2011

Wendy & Lisa new TED Video

Wendy & Lisa participated in this year's TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference in Palm Springs. While there, Wendy & Lisa, along with Jill Sobule and other musicians spent 4 days writing a song and creating a video! The music was written while on board the famous John Lennon Educational Tour Bus.

You can watch the cool video below!

TEDActive 2011 Music Video from hmurai on Vimeo.


Now you can share great music from Wendy & Lisa with friends! Click the following link to access free... that's right FREE music from Wendy & Lisa! Share the music with people who have never heard of Wendy & Lisa, people who only remember them from The Revolution, people who only know them through Jordan's Crossing, people who only know them through Heroes, and of course, family members! It makes the perfect early/late birthday or Christmas gift because it is *free*! The link will be good for a little over 3 weeks, so get it will it's hot!

Click here to download the free music (Note: the link is not to a page but to the download of the actual music in Zip form): Share With A Friend