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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fans Post The New Wendy & Lisa ‘Salt & Cherries (MC5)’ Video!

Here are a few blog mentions from Wendy & Lisa fans regarding the ladies brand new video ‘Salt & Cherries (MC5)’ Video!

In his ‘Fierce Fridays’ series, John G. wrote a brief blog post about his love for Wendy & Lisa as well as their contributions to the music/television industry. Below is a snippet of his blog post. You will have to click here to view the rest: ‘Fierce Fridays: Wendy & Lisa’.

“If you think you only know them as "those girls from Prince & the
Revolution", you are mistaken. Their brilliant collaborations (Purple Rain, Around the World in a Day and Parade) with Prince might have thrust them into the public eye and Pop-consciousness but Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman established themselves as greatly skilled innovative artists in their own right long, long ago.

If you're not already a die-hard fan, as I am, it is possible that you might not be aware that they've released 5 studio albums (yes, I still say "album") since their Revolution days...“

‘Play B Sides’ also posted the video and had some very nice things to say about the ladies.

"One of the great records of this year for me is the new Wendy & Lisa joint White Flags of Winter Chimneys. It is a self-released record, and the promotion and distribution is handled by their little-but-mighty camp. Talking with them earlier this year I could get the sense that this release and their truly-independent approach to managing their careers was going to be a developing blueprint that other acts could look to for inspiration. They twitter, they blog, they podcast, they Facebook, they

Today they released the video to the rawking “Salt & Cherries (MC5)” which features Wendy & Lisa in a live setting interspersed with fans lip-synching to the song. They asked for submissions from fans and they apparently got some really creative results!"

To read more and to see the video, click here: Play B Sides - Salt & Cherries

(Note: If you have trouble viewing this link, go to the ‘Play B Sides’ home page and scroll down to the August 12th post: Play B Sides Home Page)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

MusicLAB Is Back: Friday, August 21st!

DJ Lisa will be back behind the turn-table and mic for another episode of MusicLAB, August 21st, on (at 9pm PDT)! This episode will cover the second half of the ‘Stage Fright’ series. If you have ever (or think you may ever) suffer from stage fright, you should definitely hear what Lisa, Wendy, and fellow fans recommend for overcoming that annoying obstacle to our success :)

So, stop by, kick back, listen to some great music, and participate in the chat! It is always fun time! I am sure that you will not regret taking a listen!

To read more about the MusicLAB episode, click here: MusicLAB-August 21st

To find out when the show airs in your area, click here:

Monday, August 17, 2009


On this special day, August 17th, a very special person was born: Lisa Coleman!

I would like to send my heartfelt congratulations to you on your special day! You are truly a nice, compassionate, and kind person who always gives 100%! I hope that you have an amazing day today! Try not to work tooooooooo hard, and try to have as much fun as you can with the wife and kid! Birthdays only come once a year, ya know!

I wish you all of the love, happiness, and peace in the world!


Glitter Graphics & Comments

Lisa Coleman Writes About Being on Peter Himmelman's Furious World!

Lisa Coleman was nice enough to take the time out to write about her (and Wendy's) experience being on Peter Himmelman's Furious World (June 2nd). If you do not remember (or missed the interview completely), Peter Himmelman has a web show where he interviews stars (i.e. Wendy & Lisa) and performs some pretty funny sketches. During the interview, the ladies spoke about the music business and even performed live, acoustic versions of Balloon and Mother of Pearl!

Below, is an excerpt of Lisa's reflections on what it was like to be on the show. Following the excerpt (and link to the actual article), you will find the video of the show... in case you missed it.

The Furious World as Told by Me, Lisa (on behalf of Wendy and Lisa)
Wendy and Me (Lisa), Wendy Melvoin and me (Lisa Coleman), aka Wendy and Lisa (me), had the fabulously VIBRANT honor to appear on and around Peter Himmelman’s “Furious World” last month and it was an experience I/we won’t soon forget.

We did not know what to expect. We had seen the show a few times on the interwebz and knew that Peter was genuinely funny, and very talented. We thought there would be a casual hangout kind of attitude about the whole thing, and… well… we were wrong! I mean, we couldn’t have been more RIGHT, or should I say, it was more like there was an INSISTENCE of casualness that was thrust upon us the moment we walked in the door.


My favorite quote from Lisa's memoir: "Peter would stop them [his band] and say with great authority that they knew that one enough and he didn’t want it to be over rehearsed! Like a good lover, he didn’t want to rush to the summit. . . so to speak."

Ha... that is definitely Lisa! You can read her reflections, in their entirety, here: The Furious World As Told By Lisa

Below, you can view the episode of Furious World that featured Wendy & Lisa as guests.

PS: Thanks to Wonderfaller for submitting Lisa's article!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Salt & Cherries (MC5) Video!

Align CenterThe wonderful new Wendy & Lisa 'Salt & Cherries (MC5) video has been completed! The video not only features the ladies, but it also features us fans (including myself). It is amazing that Wendy & Lisa not only make themselves accessible to us fans but include us in their shows (MusicLAB - Girl Bros Radio) and, now, their videos! They serve as a great example of artists who know how to interact with their fans!

Check out the Salt & Cherries (MC5) video and subscribe to their YouTube Channel:

Updated Wendy & Lisa iPhone App Available

The new and improved Wendy & Lisa iLike iPhone App is now available from iTunes! The updated app now includes pictures, video, blog, and a Fan Wall that allows avatars.

You can download the Wendy & Lisa: Official iLike App from here: Wendy & Lisa App